Another corker in the West Country!

A lovely day at Trebah Gardens (which is only 4 minutes from our front door…Helen timed it ) [shashin type=”album” id=”125″ size=”small” crop=”n” columns=”max” caption=”y” order=”date” position=”center”]

Hidcote Gardens

A lovely day out in the glorious sunshine that is the British summer !!!! [shashin type=”album” id=”123″ size=”small” crop=”n” columns=”max” caption=”y” order=”date” position=”center”]  

Busy in the Garden

An experiment in Time Lapse photography [embedplusvideo height=”327″ width=”400″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=aWwXjX-kxzI&width=400&height=327&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep6214″ /] Enjoy!    

Packwood House

A surprisingly lovely Sunday afternoon so a stroll in Packwood was called for… [shashin type=”album” id=”122″ size=”small” crop=”n” columns=”max” caption=”y” order=”date” position=”center”]