Lands End and Sennen Cove

The weather holds out for another day. The scenery is the only redeeming feature of Lands End. The owners should be ashamed of themselves. The place is a mess. Ful of food stalls and junk shops. Cant even touch the Lands End sign anymore unless you pay a tenner! However, it was a lovely day… Continue reading Lands End and Sennen Cove

Kynance and The Lizard

Beautiful sunny day at Kynance Cove. And a crab baguette! [shashin type=”album” id=”127″ size=”small” crop=”n” columns=”max” caption=”y” order=”date” position=”center”]


A cloudier (in the early part of the day) day, but a wander around Falmouth and a trip out to Pendennis point was managed [shashin type=”album” id=”126″ size=”small” crop=”n” columns=”max” caption=”y” order=”date” position=”center”]

Another corker in the West Country!

A lovely day at Trebah Gardens (which is only 4 minutes from our front door…Helen timed it ) [shashin type=”album” id=”125″ size=”small” crop=”n” columns=”max” caption=”y” order=”date” position=”center”]

Cornwall 2013 – Bonus Sunday!

Well, the weather forecast said wet and windy. Its definately windy but no sign of wet! A cracking, breezy (but warm) day on the south coast of Cornwall.  [shashin type=”album” id=”124″ size=”small” crop=”n” columns=”max” caption=”y” order=”date” position=”center”]

Hidcote Gardens

A lovely day out in the glorious sunshine that is the British summer !!!! [shashin type=”album” id=”123″ size=”small” crop=”n” columns=”max” caption=”y” order=”date” position=”center”]  

Busy in the Garden

An experiment in Time Lapse photography [embedplusvideo height=”327″ width=”400″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=aWwXjX-kxzI&width=400&height=327&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep6214″ /] Enjoy!    

Packwood House

A surprisingly lovely Sunday afternoon so a stroll in Packwood was called for… [shashin type=”album” id=”122″ size=”small” crop=”n” columns=”max” caption=”y” order=”date” position=”center”]  

Home time

Another holiday over…. Not before spotting a feathered friend..